Wednesday, April 16, 2014


16. That is how old you are when you are convicted of a crime you weren't even involved in. How can you ever get out of these prison bars keeping you back from all of your hopes and dreams that you spent your whole life trying to reach. How would you fell if you were convicted of a crime because of your skin color? What if the cops lied to you, just to get a confession so that they could go home and live their life and get the reward of honor?

When a woman is found dead and the cops bring in four boys all around the age of 16 and tell them that if they admit to the murder they could go home. They admitted to the murder. They never went home. 15 years. That is how long they were in prison convicted of a crime that they did not commit. They were raped, beat, and stabbed while in prison. Now being exonerated from the crime, they had to rebuild their lives from scratch, they couldn't just pick up where they left off.

My reaction to this story, honestly made me sick. How could you skip around the truth to make your day easier, to not take pride in your work? Those kids were in prison because someone felt lazy and didn't want to do more work. Those police do not deserve to be police because they took away four peoples' lives from them for fifteen years. I hope that for any of those cases that are like this one were people were tricked into 'admitting' a crime, that they are exonerated because they deserve that.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Anti-Angiogenic Treatments and Foods

To be able to have the knowledge to help people would be amazing. But what would you do with that knowledge? Would you try to educate others and give them a chance to tell others? What a bout cells, how would you like to educate others by telling other people about themselves and how they work and make their body function.

The TED Talk by William Li was about how angiogenesis can cause a cancerous tumor to become a deadly cancer. If a cancer metastasizes because it became angiogenic and that is when the cancer becomes malignant (sends out hormone to the blood vessels for blood supply to 'fuel' the cancerous tumor). When you give your self an anti-angiogenesis treatment you are basically starving the cancerous tumor. You can also 'starve' your body fat if you are obese by eating anti-angiogenically.

My response to the TED Talk made me kind of upset, because one of my best friends' mom passed away from cancer and my aunt has lymphoma cancer and it has gotten very severe recently. This TED Talk made me upset because the awareness of this treatment is very small, compared to chemo or radiation, when it seems to have a better survival rate for certain cancers. I think that when people go to do a check up, it should be mandatory that the doctor talks about EVERY single way to treat cancer.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013


In class, we had to listen to a podcast about chimpanzees, and how close you could get a chimpanzee to be human. Before we had to listen to this podcast, we have been studying the subject of EVOLUTION and have been looking at how we are similar to apes, and how we may or may not have a common ancestor, and looking at how evolution may have happened.

The podcast was a about a chimpanzee named Lucy, and how when  day after she was born, she was taken away from her mother and given to this scientist and his wife for research to see how human you can make a chimpanzee. The results were pretty shocking and as it turned out a chimpanzee could become very similar to a human, and even become attracted to humans. But after ten years, Lucy, had become to strong for anyone to properly take care of her, and she was sent off to Africa, to live alone. One of the scientists there saw how unhappy and stressed out Lucy, and other chimpanzees like her had become and took all them to an island in the middle of a river, to have them live out of a cage. For the first few years it was rough for the scientist to live on the island and made a cage for herself to live in. After a while all of the chimps left to go live on there own, all of them except Lucy, she stayed there with the scientist until the scientist came out and showed her how to live properly in the wild. The scientist left the island, and would come back very often, and one day she noticed that Lucy wasn't with the rest of the apes and went off to for her, and found her bones next to the cage where the scientist had lived in, when looking at the body, Lucy didn't have any hands or feet. The scientist thinks that Lucy went up to a group of poachers not knowing she was in danger, because she had been around humans her whole life, and they took advantage of that and left her body on the island.

Lucy taught us that the barrier between our species can almost be broken down completely, and they can become 'human'. She also taught us that chimpanzees are quite intelligent and can learn sign language. After hearing this story, I really want to be ale to work with animals in  way to change others' lives, just like Lucy did. I also learned that the experiment was extremely worth while because it showed us that they are animals because they are raised like animals. Lucy's end made me sad because she didn't know what was coming to her.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Thinking Like a Mountain

Are we really the architects of our own destruction?When we are out and about are we really there for the good of the planet and others, or are we there to destroy the thing that supports our life. When we are hunting during the season its open, are we hunting for the enjoyment, or are we hunting for survival. The two are completely different, are we doing this to hang its head on our wall, or are we doing it to eat it. 

This article really showed how he had taken away a mother, a mother who happened to have babies nearby, and how he had helped along 'natural selection'. The author feels this guilt of killing an already dissolving species, and now he realizes that he probably killed those babies, with out intention of doing so, and now he has reduced the population by a few. The animal that was killed was a wolf, which means that there will probably be an over population of deer, and small animals since those are no longer able to hunt and keep population levels at what is needed for that ecosystem. 

I personally agree with the authors view on how he now looks back at what he did and feels regretful about it. I say this because, you should only kill animals if you intend to eat them, and if you don't than your wasting valuable resources that other animals need to survive. We humans happen to be the most invasive species known to the earth's existence and it shows when we have charts that show us how we have disrupted ecosystems all around the world, we as a species have not learned to co-inhabit the earth with other animals properly. 

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Ted Talk Summary

To what extent will researchers go, to understand the unknown language of dolphins. Denise Herzing has been researching in the Bahamas for the past 28 years. What they have come up with, is if you show the dolphin a specific object like a scarf, and the dolphin will have a specific whistle for that object. They have recorded the whistles and have analysed them, and have found that the language of dolphins is not in an average humans hearing ranges. I can say that for me personally I would like to be able to have the opportunity to observe, record, and interact with these playful creatures, because this is a remarkable experiment and has been getting positive results.